the Java CORBA implementation

JacORB is a 100% pure Java open source implementation of the OMG’s CORBA standard and is fully compliant with the OMG IDL/Java language mapping version 2.3.

JacORB offers the opportunity for interoperability between CORBA based distributed systems and (Java Enterprise Edition) application environments. The JBoss Java EE Application Server software suite includes JacORB as a standard component to provide its CORBA/IIOP service.

JacORB’s standards compliance allows for seamless integration of Java based CORBA components with CORBA components built in C++, C++11, Ruby, or other programming languages.

Remedy IT supports customers using JacORB either for 'all Java' based distributed applications as well as in mixed implementation environments for distributed systems.

Remedy IT can be of assistance for solving problems and answering questions. When you require support we offer our Open Source Support.